The time came H and then… swallow the sperm or not? This is a point that generates doubts and controversies for many people.
Although, on the one hand, there are some people who dislike the practice, feel disgusted or are afraid of getting an illness, on the other side there are those who relish it, feel pleasure and even believe that it is good for their health. But, after all, is swallowing sperm good or bad?
Daniel Suslik Zylbersztejn, a doctor in the Department of Sexuality and Reproduction at SBU (Brazilian Society of Urology), explained to the UOL website that sperm (semen) alone does not pose a risk - but there is also no scientific evidence that it brings any benefit.
Can sperm give allergies?
Yes, it is possible. Some people are allergic to sperm. “Semen is highly protein and has so many substances that it can generate an allergic process in more sensitive individuals.
Yes, it is possible. Some people are allergic to sperm. “Semen is highly protein and has so many substances that it can generate an allergic process in more sensitive individuals.
This is more common in anal or vaginal sex, but it can happen in oral sex”, reports the member of the SBU's Department of Sexuality and Reproduction.
According to UOL, this condition is described as rare and, when it occurs, it is more frequent in women. Among the main symptoms are redness, itching, burning and / or swelling in places that have had contact with the fluid. In more severe cases, it causes diarrhea and difficulty breathing.
Does sperm get fat?
The semen contains fructose (sugar) but that does not mean that you will get fat if you eat it. " It even has a poor calorie, but the quantity that will be eaten is so low that it not be sufficient to reach a few pounds," says Zylbersztejn.
Studies show that, in an orgasm, a man ejaculates the equivalent of a teaspoon (between 2 ml and 5 ml), and that volume has only about 10 calories. It would be necessary to ingest an immense amount of sperm to increase your weight.
Is swallowing sperm good or bad?
According to the specialist, the liquid that comes out of the penis is composed of a series of substances, among them fructose, vitamins, proteins and minerals, in addition to sperm. The problem happens when the man is infected with some STI (sexually transmitted infection).
If the other person has any type of injury to the mouth or oropharynx, when swallowing the sperm - or just keeping it in the mouth, they are susceptible to getting infections. Among them HPV, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea. That is why the use of condoms, even in oral sex, is necessary!
For couples who do not give up ejaculation in their mouth, the doctor advises that they periodically seek out their trusted doctors to do the necessary tests and make sure they are healthy. If people have just met or eventually meet, then the most sensible thing is to avoid it.